Thursday, December 3, 2015

Review: Pippa Morgan's Diary by Annie Kelsey

Sometimes a little white lie can land you in a whole lot of trouble…
Pippa’s new BFF Catie Brown is perfect. So perfect, that Pippa tells her a teeny tiny lie—that she once auditioned for Voice Factor—to impress her. And it works. It works so well, in fact, that Catie enters Pippa into the school talent show.
The only problem? Pippa can’t sing. Not at all. In fact, her singing is so bad it scares the neighbors. But if she doesn’t participate in the talent show, Catie will know she lied. But if she does participate, the whole school will find out what a horrible singer she is...including Catie!
It’s up to Pippa to put an end to this pesky problem!

I love books in diary format, so I just had to read this one.

In Pippa Morgan's Diary, Pippa's best friend moved away, and while trying to get Catie Brown's attention, Pippa mentions that she auditioned for Voice Factor, even though it's not true. Catie is impressed, and now Pippa can't take it back. What happens when the truth comes out?

This is a quick read, although I think part of the reason why I finished it so quickly was because I was having fun. It deals with issues like making new friends, lying to get attention, and dealing with parents' divorce; issues which a lot of kids can relate to. Instead of going the more dramatic road, though, the book was pretty lighthearted. It actually made me think of the movies I see on Fox Family Movies. Pippa realized her mistake and she dealt with the consequences, but ultimately it was a happy ending for everyone.

Pippa is a relatable character, and I liked her a lot. She's got a big imagination and she's fun-loving. I loved the other characters too, especially the parents. Pippa's father seems like a fun dad, and it seems like Pippa's parents's divorce went okay and her parents' relationship is doing good because Pippa seems fine with the way things turned out.

As for the overall look, I liked it a lot. Pippa's handwriting is nice and neat, and her drawings are simple and cute. It seems like a good match for her personality.

Thanks to NetGalley and Sourcebooks Jabberwocky for the e-ARC.


  1. Pippa and the other characters are likable.
  2. It's a quick, fun read with a good message.
  3. The drawings and the handwriting are nice to look at.


  1. Some may feel like it's a little bit short. 


  1. Your child likes books that are written in diary format. 
  2. Your child likes funny books.
  3. Your child's best friend moved away.




Note: This post contains Amazon and Book Depository affiliate links.

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